Eating Meat EssayPremise 1: Meat eating in humans is a natural phenomenon that has been practiced since prehistoric times, as evidenced by human dental structure and some scientific studies.Premise 2: Not eating meat can lead to various health problems unless there is a thorough understanding of the nutritional needs of the human body and the person ensures measures are taken to maintain good health. This is not feasible in undeveloped countries, tribal cultures or other societies that do not yet have the advantage of advanced science and technology that aids in understanding the various needs of the human body. Conclusion: Yes, it is ethical to eat meat.___The question of whether eating meat is ethical or not implies an assumption of a universal standard of ethics, so whether eating meat is ethical or not needs to be addressed from different viewpoints.The ethics of meat eating is highly subjective—it depends on many factors, such as culture and religion. From a (general) religious standpoint, meat eating is not unethical.